The Primary Resource program offers reading/language arts and math support to students in grades one and two. Teachers with experience and training in teaching children with learning differences provide instruction to students who need support in order to be successful in the regular classroom.
The Resource team consists of three full time resource teachers serving the Primary School. Resource support may consist of monitoring the students in class, along with consultative support to the teacher, or direct resource support.
Resource teachers work closely with other personnel from special services (counselors, speech/language pathologists, psychologists) to determine what services, if any, may be needed. The goal of the resource program is to help each student develop the skills they need to be successful in the regular classroom.
Welcome to Ms. Joy’s Resource Room
“I’ve been thinking a lot about Joy Koller and what she did for my dyslexic son, my husband and myself. She was able to identify my son’s needs, implement a program and educate us, the parents about dyslexia at the same time. She’s the sort of person who can grasp a situation or problem, analyze it, synthesize it, find and or, recollect resources to help find a solution and communicate all of this in a manner that makes sense to the average person.
Joy is a constant learner interested in latest research. She finds ways to adapt and adjust, but never on a whim. She can take something that is already great and make it better because of new understandings.
Joy is the one person I could count on to help me do everything I could to help my son.”
-Alice Early, parent and teacher at SAS 2005