1. English Reading Support Services, Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Watch your students' enthusiasm for learning how to read in English come alive!
English Reading Support Services provides engaging literacy instruction support for teachers, children and schools. Click below to learn more about our reading strategies, services and programs in Mexico:
2. The RAVE-O Summer Adventures In Reading Program at Wayak’ Eco-Edu-Camp, Mayan Riviera, México 2010
RAVE-O, A Systematic Approach to Reading Fluency
The RAVE-O curriculum is a reading fluency and comprehension program for intervention with first through fourth graders struggling to acquire fluency. The Center for Reading and Language Research (CRLR) at Tufts University in Boston, MA is a dedicated group of cognitive neuroscientists, educators, and linguists. The mission of CRLR is to pursue basic knowledge about how the brain learns to read across all ages of development, different languages, and varied forms of learning disabilities. Under the directorship of Dr. Maryanne Wolf, the RAVE-O program is an example of the multi-disciplinary, applied research disseminated by CRLR.
The Rave-O Summer Adventures in Reading Program was a collaboration Pilot between the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University, JkGlobal Connections and the Crecer Juntos Summer Program at Colegio Puerto Aventuras. The four week intensive and dynamic reading program incorporated all levels of linguistic knowledge and reading skills to promote more fluent text reading in English and improved comprehension skills , more importantly, the program promoted a deeper appreciation of and love for reading.
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